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What is a Victim Advocate?

An advocate plays a significant role in improving the treatment of victims within the criminal justice system.  An advocate is a professional who represents the rights and interests of crime victims.  They inform victims of their rights, serve as a liaison between the victim and the deputies investigating their case. They are also a liaison for the victim with other criminal justice and community agencies.  Advocates helps victims cope with the consequences of the crime.  They answer victim's questions, explain court procedures and are with the victim throughout the court process and even afterward.  Assistance is provided in filling out victim compensation paperwork for the victims who qualify.  The advocate can intercede with an employer to explain time missed from work due to cooperating with a law enforcement investigation or court procedure.

How Advocates Work With Victims 

An advocate can offer victims information about different options and services available to them. Advocates do not tell victims what to do, they provide assistance and guidance to victims so that they can make informed decisions for themselves during very stressful times.  Advocates maintain the highest level of confidentiality possible.  The Pitt County Sheriffs Office's advocates are certified through the North Carolina Victim Service Practitioner Academy.

The Role of The Advocate
  • Provide information on victimization

  • Provide information on crime prevention

  • Provide information on victims’ legal rights and protections

  • Provide information on the criminal justice system

  • Provide emotional support to the victims and their families

  • Provide information on safety planning

  • Assist victims or family members with victim's compensation applications

  • Assist victims in finding shelter and transportation

  • Assist with Domestic Violence Protective Orders/No Contact Orders

  • Intercede with creditors, landlords and employers on behalf of the victim

  • Provide referrals for services/resources the victim may need

  • Assist with property returns

  • Provide case status updates

  • Crisis intervention

  • Assist with funeral arrangements

  • Assist with Line-of-Duty Deaths


Types of victims our office assists
  • Surviving family members of homicide victims

  • Sexual Assault/Statutory Rape

  • Child Abuse

  • Robbery

  • Breaking & Entering

  • Larceny

  • Domestic Violence

  • Stalking 

  • Human Trafficking

  • Felony Assault

  • Identity Fraud



Dedicated Victim Advocates


Located in the Pitt County Courthouse

(Not our new office complex)

100 W. Third Street

Greenville, NC 27858


Monday-Friday from 8:00 a.m. -5:00 p.m. 


Advocate: Sharon Langley 

Office: (252) 902-2665 



Advocate: Kyla Waters

Office: (252) 902-2665



Our Investigators and our Advocates are members of the Pitt County Sexual Assault Response Team; the Pitt County Domestic Violence Network; the Pitt County Human Trafficking Task Force and the North Carolina Coalition Against Human Trafficking.


Main Office: 252-902-2800

Fax: 252-565-1850

Comm Center (Non-Emer): 252-830-4141

Emergency: 911




100 New Hope Rd.

Greenville, NC 27834



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