G.E.D. Program
Caroline Perez, Programs Coordinator
Pitt County Detention Center
Office: (252) 902-2837
In partnership with Pitt Community College (PCC), the GED Program delivers hands-on, paper-based HSE (High School Equivalency) instruction within a classroom setting at the Pitt County Detention Center. The inmates/students are administered assessments in Math and Language Arts. They work independently on a curriculum that is self-paced and designed specifically for their learning style. A PCC instructor comes to the classroom weekly to pick up grades and give feedback to the students on their work. The instructor answers questions and discusses any areas of difficulty. Sheriff Dance is committed to offering individuals within the detention center these educational opportunities to help improve their lifestyles upon release. Obtaining one’s GED/HSE is an important first step in the building blocks of career success. Achieving this goal empowers individuals to discover newfound skills and abilities, enhancing self-worth and life satisfaction, opening up career opportunities that didn't previously exist, all while reducing recidivism. This is a tax-dollar saving pathway to improving qualities of life while reducing crime and saving our communities.