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Career Opportunities


If you are interested in becoming part of the Pitt County Sheriff's Office family or have questions about career options, requirements, training, or want to schedule a ride-a-long please contact:

The Pitt County Sheriff's Office

Training and Standards Unit

(252) 902-2655

We employ a variety of sworn and non-sworn positions.

We only hire the very best. The citizens we serve are our friends and families and deserve the very best. Our coworkers are also family. Knowing that the man or woman beside you is competent when your life's on the line is a big deal.


What we do isn't just about knowing the law, shooting accurately, or being physically fit.  Our staff has to have emotional intelligence, empathy and a true calling to serve others is a must. 

It takes a special person to do what we do.  If you think that is you, then please step up and let's talk about options.


In the Sheriff's Office, we have state certified Deputy Sheriffs,  state certified Detention Officers,  state certified Telecommunicators, civilian staff, volunteers, and interns.



Deputy Sheriffs currently have the career growth opportunities as: Basic Deputy, Intermediate Deputy, Master Deputy, Civil Enforcement Deputy, Court Deputy, Environmental Impact Deputy, Airport Deputy, K9 Deputy, Electronic Monitoring Deputy, School Resource Officer, DARE Instructor, Community Impact Officer, Street Crimes Detective, Major Crimes Detective, Forensic Services Detective, Narcotics Detective, Domestic Violence Detective, Public Information Officer, Sergeant, Lieutenant, Captain, Major, Chief.



Detention Officers currently have the career growth opportunities as: Basic Detention Officer, Intermediate Detention Officer, Master Detention Officer, Transport Officer, Officer In Charge, Sergeant, Lieutenant, Captain, Major.



Telecommunicators currently have growth opportunities as: Basic Telecommunicator, Intermediate Telecommunicator, Master Telecommunicator, Communications Supervisor.  Telecommunicators staff the secure communications center located in the courthouse.  They answer emergency and routine calls for assistance by telephone from citizens.  They dispatch calls to deputies and manage radio communications. They operate a stationary radio console, computer aided dispatch terminals, and various state record database systems.



There is a wide array of civilian positions with varied roles within the main Sheriff's Office, Detention Center, and ID Lab.


We have an amazing staff of volunteers who assist us in meeting our goals.  They serve in roles such as Citizen Patrol Volunteers to conduct property checks and assist at major events and as Senior Check Program Volunteers to place daily calls to Pitt County senior citizens to check on their welfare.  If you'd like to learn more about volunteering at our agency, find contact information for the program, or download the application form you can click the button below.



We also host many college interns each year.  The interns circulate throughout the sheriff's office and get to participate in virtually all areas of our operations including patrol, criminal investigation, domestic violence investigation, Forensics, Communications, Civil Process, School Resource, Court Security, Sex Offender Registry, Weapon Permitting, Electronic Monitoring, and Support Staff.  Internship opportunities often turn into job offers and lifelong careers.  If you'd like to learn more about the internship program you can click the button to email Captain Chad Suggs.


Main Office: 252-902-2800

Fax: 252-565-1850

Comm Center (Non-Emer): 252-830-4141

Emergency: 911


100 New Hope Rd.

Greenville, NC 27834


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